Strategic trend study + strategy + vision on the future way-finding and information for Arriva NL. Project commissioned by StudioStaak.

In the future, what will be the balance between static and dynamic way-finding for public transport? We experience a growing complexity of technology around us and this also has an influence on public transport and people’s travel behavior. Arriva NL approached Studiostaak to help them understand this complexity and to develop a future-proof strategy in regards to static and dynamic way-finding information.
Out Of Office contributed to project by researching trends in public transport for rural areas and cities, up to experiences for travel that can be seen. We looked into future needs of different passengers groups and explored technology trends that influence static and dynamic way-finding in the future. We included short translations for future passenger journeys as well.
The final report and presentation was well received and enabled Arriva NL to be better prepared for the future and helped them to decide on their future way-finding strategy!