Generation 404 will change the business of the future

Image credits: Jean Gerber via Unsplash
Image credits: Jean Gerber via Unsplash

The world around us is changing fast, and not all the changes are positive. We’re facing the biggest natural, social and economic challenges our world has ever seen. A New Generation is there to rip up the rulebook and start over.

In this series, Out Of Office explored this context of change, where there is an upcoming influence of a generation of new entrepreneurs, that experiences creative freedom. We have called them Generation 404.

They don’t wait for something to happen, they start doing it. With their desire to create and the technical gear (hard & software) available, they are starting their own little businesses – especially if they can’t find their creative freedom within the existing corporations. They are too individually educated to listen to collective approaches. Generation 404’s DNA is characterised by a cocktail of the concepts “multi”, “sharing” and “open” – and that will change the future.