The Future Of Apps | T-Mobile NL

Research + Strategy + Trend video for T-Mobile NL

Out Of Office looks into the changes that will shape the app ecosystem of the future.

“There’s an app for that.” This was a statement that Apple trademarked in 2009 as they began the rollout for the iPhone 3G. Today, this statement is more than true. The big question for the future will be: when apps and connectivity simply exist, what is even more?

In 2016, T-Mobile NL committed itself to becoming the leader in mobile Internet in 2016. They wanted to explore and understand the contemporary and future developments of the digital world, with a focus on the business potential of apps crea­tion. T-Mobile asked us to inspire them as well to give a strategic direction, to trigger future thinking and to imagine a future that goes beyond the obvious in the apps business and development.

In this project, Out Of Office dived into future consumer needs, values and aspirations as well as technological changes that will shape the App Ecosystem. We believe these trends will have a strong impact on consumer-brand interaction, as well as design, creation and functions that will enrich the app experience in the future. We helped T-Mobile to understand the key trends and developments by tapping into the power and creativity of their future consumers. Besides our own desk research, we gathered insights from over 50 influencers. We spoke personally with 5 of our influential people from our global 404 Network, who each interviewed 10 other peers of their own network, from Amsterdam, Barcelona, Helsinki, Berlin, Shanghai and San Francisco. We became experts ourselves and translated all of this into a vision and strategy on the future of apps that helped the client better understand future user needs and expectations. We then integrated all of this information and packaged it all in a logical, intuitive and useful format for the client. .

In this strategic trend research project on the future of apps, we identified key innovation areas (aka (1) future functions that will create value for the consumer, (2) future business models that will fuel the “app-conomy” (aka. monetizing), (3) future design and technology and beyond mobile, where will long-term future opportunities lie. This reports aims to support the T-Mobile team to engage and inspire the organization at large for future changes. To bring the story to life and make it contagious, an inspiring 3 min trend video was created to share the key messages of the study and to make everyone part of the app conversation.

In an app abundant world, what is “even more”?

Stills from 3 min trend video on the Future Of Apps for T-Mobile Netherlands.