Future Of Inclusivity

Out Of Office explores a desirable future in which gender equality and feminine freedom are realities.

For the last 10 years, Out Of Office have been helping companies to identify patterns, suggest new thinking based on future insight that suggest new value spaces. We believe that inclusivity and diversity are important themes and that now is the time to re-calibrate, re-think, re-define values and re-design solutions offered in the cities today and in the future.

So, when Out Of Office got the opportunity to construct a session at the Techfestival in Copenhagen, we took this as a chance to facilitate an interactive session with a focus on inclusivity in the city now and in the future, how people changing the city and the city changing the structures in the city. With cities being one of the most interesting places where people meet, interact and where meaningful innovation is most needed.

During this session, Kirsten van Dam shared trends and stories of the city, explored the needs and values of current and future generations as well as probing for examples to provoke and inspire. We wanted to explore how we could revisit and redefine the narratives around inclusivity and equality, to address the invisible biases especially in the context of the city. Marcelle van Beusekom, Design Director IDEO joined us to share her experience and perspectives. As this segment of the session, input was also collected from the audience to explore their varying positions as an interactive search for new ways forward.

This inspiring session is part of a larger exploration and continuous trend research project on the Future Of Inclusivity, where we focus on the question: “How can a design processes contribute to the creation of a desirable future in which gender equality and feminine freedom are realities?”

Other recent activities include a lecture at Gehl Architects here in Copenhagen and a trend article on The Future Of Work with inclusivity in mind for Scandinavian Trend Institute Pej Gruppen.

For more inspiration you can contact us directly or please have a look here 😉

Different demographics people with fresh perspectives came to the session to share their views and knowledge. Photo credits: Anna Hyvärinen